Saturday, September 15, 2012

recipes 69, 70, 71, 72, and 73: blueberries!

Listen up. Summer is not over until it's my sister's birthday on September 23rd and that's just the way it is and always has been in my world. So I won't stop posting summer recipes until summer is actually over. I don't subscribe to the brand of forward-thinking that involves posting pumpkin recipes in early August. Because really, that's a lot like retail stores setting up their Halloween merchandise in July. I'm going to advocate for living in the moment. Summer is not over yet. We don't need to think about fall yet. (Okay, I will be honest, I still have a lot of summer recipes to post and I'm so OCD that I won't be able to actually relax until I post all of them. I like cutting things close to the wire and then racing the clock. Those kind of challenges result in me, and 95% of the rest of the world, being more productive. So this is less "living in the moment" and more "racing the clock," but there are definitely "living in the moment" undertones). Take from it what you will. Writing and reading are both like art. And speaking of reading. I promised earlier that I wouldn't venture to write book reviews even though I love to read, and I'll stick to that promise, BUT I do need to send a major shout out to the best book I've read in quite a long time: "The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao" by Junot Diaz: Words cannot express how much I loved this book and how sorry I was to have finished reading it. Recommend, recommend, recommend! My very good friend Claire recommended it to me (she obviously knows me very well because it was an extremely well-suited recommendation) and I'm paying it forward here.

Onto the blueberries. The first recipe is from the Magnolia cookbook: and is adapted by way of using a pre-made crust- lazy! I also want to let the studio audience know that I've been a very long-standing fan of Magnolia Bakery in NYC: Circa 2001, Priya and I even saw Chris Kattan ( there checking out the cupcakes. The second recipe is maybe only altered slightly (and dumbed down) from my beloved Mr. Bourdain's cookbook: Did I already mention that I used a portion of my 2011 March Madness winnings to buy an autographed copy of this from Les Halles I think I did. I'm not sure where the third recipe comes from because I've had it for awhile, but I do think I found it somewhere on the internet and adapted it somewhat. The fourth recipe comes from, to the best of my recollection, my own brain. The fifth recipe is inspired by a google search of what to do with blueberries and cantaloupe and is a combination of various ideas that I found, so I'm going to go ahead and call it my own.

-1 lazy-girl store-bought pie crust
-vanilla ice cream 
-1/2 c sugar
-1 1/2 T corn starch
-2 pints of fresh blueberries
crumb topping:
-2 1/4 c flour
-1 1/2 c packed brown sugar
-2 sticks of softened unsalted butter, cut into pieces

1) mix the filling ingredients, gently toss together, and put in the pie crust
2) prepare the topping by mixing the the flour and brown sugar, and cutting in the butter by using a knife (or preferably a pastry blender thingy, which I do not personally own)
3) sprinkle the topping on top of the fruit mixture and bake at 425 degrees for 10 minutes and then at 375 degrees for an additional 25-35 minutes (until the topping is golden)
4) OBVIOUSLY serve this with some really good vanilla ice cream

-3 T sugar
-juice of two limes (combined with the sugar until dissolved)
-1 1/2 pints of fresh blueberries
-1 sprig of mint, torn into pieces
 -1/2 c creme fraiche or sour cream

lime confit (or, for the non-culinary genius such as myself, lime simple syrup):
-2 limes
-1 c water
-a couple of tablespoons of sugar

1) first, make the confit by removing the limes from their peels, and removing some of the white stuff (aka: pith) from the peels (if you can; this is an imperfect science and really, you don't need to spend too much time doing this in the dumbed down version of this recipe)
2) cut the lime peels into strips
3) combine the cup of water and 2 T sugar from the confit portion of the recipe above in a saucepan and bring to a boil
4) add the lime strips to the boiling simple syrup and reduce to a simmer; cover the pot and reduce the simple syrup in half and then remove from the heat and let it cool completely
5) toss together: the cooled simple syrup (lime strips included if you so desire), the lime juice/sugar combination, the blueberries, and the mint
6) serve with the creme fraiche or sour cream on the side

cooking spray
vanilla ice cream or whipped cream or Cool Whip
-1 c flour
-1/2 c brown sugar
-1/2 t cinnamon (don't overdo the cinnamon)
-a pinch of salt
-6 T unsalted butter, cut into pieces
-1/2 c rolled oats
-any combination or any one of the above fruits, mixed together, and totaling about 4ish cups (e.g. you could make just a blueberry crumble or just a blackberry crumble or a strawberry rhubarb crumble or really, whatever you want, except maybe a plain rhubarb crumble because probably nobody would eat that)
-1/2 c brown sugar
-1/3 c apple juice
-1 T corn starch
-1 t vanilla extract (or a little more if you so desire)

1) preheat oven to 375 degrees
2) mix together the topping with your fingers (YUP!)
3) toss together the filling ingredients with a spoon
4) spray ceramic cooking cups (these probably have a more technical term but this is what I'm calling them) with some cooking spray, and line them on a cookie sheet
5) put the fruit mix in the cooking cups, and fill about 2/3 of the way; top with topping (there may be some leftover topping- I've even frozen it before and used it later)
6) bake for 30-35 minutes or until golden brown and bubbling
7) let cool a little bit and serve with the sweet cream selection of your choice (vanilla ice cream or whipped cream or Cool Whip, or, for the adventurer, all three)
I know this post is about blueberries, but I only have a picture from when I made this with strawberries! Close enough!
-equal parts Marzetti Cream Cheese Fruit Dip and Cool Whip
-various berries

1) mix together in equal parts: the cream cheese fruit dip and Cool Whip
2) serve in a bowl surrounded by various berries (it is very cute if they are on toothpicks, sadly I do not have photographic evidence of said cuteness)

- cubed cantaloupe
-torn fresh mint
-honey, just enough to coat

1) mix the above together in whatever proportions strike your fancy
2) because, in seventh grade, when I was learning how to outline things I was taught you cannot have a Roman numeral I without a Roman numeral II, here I will simply say: 2) chill and enjoy!

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