The week before last, Tristan was closing a deal at work which meant that he averaged being at work until 5:45AM every day. So when the cat was away, the mice decided to play. And how did they play? They played by veggie-loading. Tristan and my mom both share a semi-disdain for raw tomatoes. I, on the other hand, would rank a good tomato close to the top of my list of favorite vegetables. So, taking advantage of the deal closing situation, I stopped at a Jersey farm-stand during the course of my daily meanderings and purchased the last perfect tomatoes of the season. Then I proceeded to make myself this recipe for dinner exactly four nights in a row. It is adapted from here:, minus the sugar (eek) and with waaaaay less mayo. So simple, so good! I also made a broccoli salad to accompany it, but that was a real flop. It tasted more like marshmallow ambrosia than vegetables. Tristan described it as "confusing." It won't go on the blog, don't worry! Proof positive that I only post deliciousness. And speaking of the mice, I know everybody is curious about that situation. It appears that they marched right into the apartment, saw my very hard core industrial strength multiple-kill mousetrap which I
knew would be a solid investment, turned around, and marched right back out for good. Hallelujah!
-a really ripe, really good, really in-season Jersey tomato, sliced
-2 slices of good toast
-salt and freshly ground black pepper
1) butter the toast when it is still hot
2) spread on a light layer of mayo
3) add the tomato slices
4) sprinkle with salt and pepper
There isn't a picture of the four nights of tomato sandwiches because the camera battery was dead (this is a really low budget blog, okay?), but there
is a picture of this:
Bruce concert last night! |
Tiff....first off,ive been smiling all day bc i was mentioned in ur blog...second,Randy also hates raw tomatoes and i in contrast love them.third,i LOVE ur enthusiasm for the 80s and i remember u singing "she bop'to me in the car by cindi lauper while ur dad drove me home aftr spending the night at ur house. I had never heard that song before then,and now it alwys reminds me of u.u said it was ur favorite song! :) kel
ReplyDeleteOMG! So... apparently, "She Bop" led to the "parental advisory sticker":
ReplyDeleteYikes that I was singing these lyrics and announcing that this was my favorite song at the age of 6!