Wednesday, June 6, 2012

My absence continues to be explained by:

In random order: Bermuda! Vegas! Maine! Queens! A major project! And when I say major, I mean major!

Here is what meals have been looking like:

-family sized bag of Combos (not pictured due to quick consumption and 14 trillion intervening events)
-10 baby carrots
-Welch's fruit snacks
-white grape juice mixed with pomegranate seltzer (1 part juice, 2 parts seltzer, that's my jam)

1) stop at Wawa
2) buy a family sized bag of Combos for self
3) eat 85% of family sized bag of Combos solo
4) be asked by an individual not quite an adult: "So, how's your day?"
5) reply: "It's been long. And... I've eaten way too many Combos."
6) be asked: "Did you know there's an iphone app that makes your words into songs?"
7) reply: "Nope."
8) be told: "Oh. Well there is! And what you just said is now a song."
9) hear back: "It's been long-long-long-ong-ong-ong. And-nd-nd-nd I've eaten too many too many too many unst-unst-unst-unst Combos."
10) involve self in 14 trillion minus 1 = 1.4 × 1013 more events
11) park car
12) text Tristan above recipe and request that it is close to the door
13) and... goodnight

I'll be back on the flip side of my project, fear not.

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