Thursday, May 17, 2012

My absence is best explained by:

a) wedding guest season has commenced
b) there is no b

Official tally: I have been to 37 post-college weddings of non-relatives. This does not include the 2 weddings that I legit crashed (one in Rochester and one in South Carolina). It also does not include all of the weddings of relatives and pre-college weddings of family friends. From May to October for the past decade or so, I moonlight and weekend-light as a wedding guest. It is totally ridiculous. It is safe to say that I have spent almost as much money on weddings as I have on law school, and I would guesstimate that only maybe a little more than two-thirds-ish of my friends are married at this point. So that's where I've been. Kicking off wedding season, not trying new recipes, and eating frozen food and leftovers.

1 comment:

  1. Haha!....wait til one day when the kid's birthday parties commence. --sheesh. :/
