Saturday, January 26, 2013

recipes 120 and 121: dill!

It is so cold. IT IS SO COLD! So here, have some dill. Like the rest of this blog, that makes little to no sense, falling way closer to the "no sense" end of that spectrum. I am keeping up with the theme of making little to no sense! Anyway, dill is delicious. It ranks right up there in the "favorite herbs" section of my brain. For example, these are delicious: I love these! The first recipe comes only slightly adapted from here: The second recipe comes from an Australian individual who was born in Hungary and may currently be avoiding creditors in the mountains of Kathmandu. Nevertheless, it is a good recipe.

-one bag of baby carrots, washed
-2 T butter
-2 T brown sugar
-salt and pepper to taste
-tons of chopped fresh dill, to taste (dried dill works too)

1) place the carrots in a skillet and pour in just enough water to cover
2) bring to a boil over medium heat and then simmer until the water has evaporated and the carrots are tender
3) stir in the butter, brown sugar, dill, salt and pepper

-2 large cucmubers, sliced paper thin and I mean paper thin!
-1 t salt
-1 T sugar
-1/3 - 1/2 c vinegar
-1/4 - 1/3 c water
-tons of chopped fresh dill, to taste (dried dill works too)

1) mix the cucumbers with salt and let stand for 10-15 minutes
2) thoroughly squeeze out all of the juice (with your bare hands) and drain the cucumbers
3) mix all of the other ingredients in a bowl, pour over the cucumbers, and stir together

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