Sunday, November 11, 2012

hurricane floods and foods

the water rushing up

the police rushing to meet the water


clearly, there was no order

so, we got a little sick- perhaps due to eating this platter of prosciutto from a refrigerator with no power

fat chance!

one of many sinking vehicles

Hoboken waterfront


a flooded basement with a knocked in door

unveiling some ramen by candlelight = romantic!

flashlight spaghetti with... jar sauce (GASP!)

flashlight apple concoction- because there wasn't really anything else to eat...

the apple concoction made a reappearance atop some oatmeal the next day

the new fancy gadget- a homemade outdoor refrigerator

the other fancy new gadget- a homemade coffeemaker

a meet-and-greet at the electric charging station (because the bars were closed)

another flooded basement

emergency room = closed

our poor, powerless building

Halloween- walking to Justin and Lana's in complete darkness... spooktacular!

omg, Justin and Lana saved Halloween with this candlelight marshmallow toasting activity (and PS, you two, this pic is going in a frame and getting wrapped up for Christmas!)

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